Emerald Rings Popular Among Women Since Ages -bijoux |
Emerald Engagement Rings are also very much in demand for the purpose of engagement. It looks really elegant and lovely when a man puts the ring in his future wife's finger. Emerald Engagement Rings are loved by most of the couples because these rings break the monotonous tradition of diamond engagement rings for the engagement. Emerald Engagement Rings strengthen the bond of this budding relationship. These rings are flawless and very enticing. Emerald Rings are made of emeralds, as you all know, but do you know it is actually a form of a mineral called beryl. The chromium and vanadium present in this gemstone helps in making green of color of this gemstone. Columbia is the main country which is known for the emerald mining. There are many other countries in the world where you can easily find real emeralds. These countries are Australia, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Pakistan, Austria, Switzerland, and many more. It is very difficult to cut emeralds because of the large number of fissures and inclusions present in emeralds. If any emerald is not flawless, it has a method of treatment. The emeralds which are not flawless are soaked in the cedar oil or any synthetic oil. This oil helps in filling up the fissures that improve the texture of emeralds. It is a traditional method of treatment of these gemstones. Emeralds have a grade system and it is graded on the basis of four C's which are clarity, crystal, color, and cut. There are no magnifying equipments required to grade this gemstone, unlike diamonds which are graded for the clarity at 10x magnification. If you are looking for Emerald Rings, then it is advised to you to go for the online shopping as you can also get some special discounts on purchase of these rings. The author has very keen interest in Emerald Rings. He is also very knowledge about Emerald Engagement Rings. For more information, you can also visit http://www.petits-bijoux.fr/
TAG: bijoux
- Mar 17 Sat 2012 13:23
Emerald Rings Popular Among Women Since Ages_bijoux