
A Look at Precious Gem Stones -bijoux

As stated above, the diamond isn't the most precious of gems, but a variety of diamond happens to be one of the rarest on Earth. The red diamond is a burgundy like color, which makes it easy to mistaken it for a garnet! If you happen to run into one of these "garnets" prepare to make no less than $2 Million per carat. Nonetheless, this isn't the most precious, or the rarest, of gem stones.

Speaking of garnets, the "blue garnet" is rather expensive and to date is only found in a few areas on the planet. The color ranges from teal blue to royal, however, under certain lighting the coloring takes on a deep purple hue. It's indeed a truly beautiful gem and at $1.5 Million per carat, it's luxurious as well.

Painite is another rare gem, although it may not be entirely precious. The coloring of this stone is smoky and deep with hints of amber and citrine. It's one of the rarest gemstones on the planet with only 25 specimens known about to date. However, these aren't as expensive as the red diamond or blue garnet. A carat fetches around $50 grand.

Black opal fetches around $2,500 per carat, making it far more affordable than the aforementioned gem stones. However, it's beauty and rarity make it much more interesting than its price. A black opal kind of resembles a 70's mood ring, possessing an onyx-like backdrop on which flecks of color shimmer in the light. These rare stones are found mostly in Africa, but the desert environments of the United States have uncovered some specimens in recent years.

Sapphires are truly gorgeous gem stones that come in a wide and striking array of hues. From purple, pink and green to the popular striking tone of royal blue, sapphires are popular! In fact, sapphire stones set well with diamonds in rings and other bijoux pieces. Sapphires aren't rare, but they certainly can be pricey, especially if in shades of deep blue.

These are just some of the several hundred varieties of gemstone you can learn about in the hobby of collecting them or just a general interest in bijoux or even geology. Precious and semiprecious gem stones are truly captivating for various reasons. For one, they're natural, and it's amazing to consider that the planet is complex enough to produce (over time) an array of sparkling and colorful gems. From the rarest of the rare to common quartz and geode, gem stones are various and plentiful, and even the rare ones can be found where you least suspect.

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